dic01, 2024 What should a good geologist’s hammer be like? Everything a good geologist's hammer must have to be fully functional and durable.
dic01, 2024 What should a good compass look like? Everything a good compass should have to be fully functional for a good geologist.
New Waterproof geological field notebook13.14 €New Waterproof geological field notebook13.14 €PriceNewWaterproof geological field notebookHome Waterproof geological field notebook A5 13.14 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewWaterproof geological field notebookHome Waterproof geological field notebook A5 13.14 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Brunton TruArc 1557.77 €New Brunton TruArc 1557.77 €PriceNewBrunton TruArc 15Home Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 57.77 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBrunton TruArc 15Home Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 57.77 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Glowing Geologist's compass13.14 €New Glowing Geologist's compass13.14 €PriceNewGlowing Geologist's compassHome Geologist's compass with luminescent dial, clinometer, cover, level, and whistle 13.14 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewGlowing Geologist's compassHome Geologist's compass with luminescent dial, clinometer, cover, level, and whistle 13.14 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New 15x Magnifying Glass with LED and UV10.66 €New 15x Magnifying Glass with LED and UV10.66 €PriceNew15x Magnifying Glass with LED and UVHome 15x Magnifying Glass with LED and UV 10.66 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart New15x Magnifying Glass with LED and UVHome 15x Magnifying Glass with LED and UV 10.66 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Self-adhesive bubble level0.74 €New Self-adhesive bubble level0.74 €PriceNewSelf-adhesive bubble levelHome Circular bubble level, 10x6mm, self-adhesive. 0.74 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewSelf-adhesive bubble levelHome Circular bubble level, 10x6mm, self-adhesive. 0.74 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New PVC card with measurements and grain size comparator1.57 €New PVC card with measurements and grain size comparator1.57 €PriceNewPVC card with measurements and grain size comparatorHome PVC card with measurements and grain size comparator 1.57 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewPVC card with measurements and grain size comparatorHome PVC card with measurements and grain size comparator 1.57 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 6 Orthoclase39.05 €43.39 €New Mohs Pack - 6 Orthoclase39.05 €43.39 €Regular price-10% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 6 OrthoclaseHome Save with this pack! 39.05 €43.39 €Regular price-10% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 6 OrthoclaseHome Save with this pack! 39.05 €43.39 €Regular price-10% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Geòleg.CAT Neck strap3.22 €New Geòleg.CAT Neck strap3.22 €PriceNewGeòleg.CAT Neck strapHome Strap useful for hanging the magnifying glass, compass, or whatever you need. 3.22 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewGeòleg.CAT Neck strapHome Strap useful for hanging the magnifying glass, compass, or whatever you need. 3.22 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Estwing orange hammer 940g53.64 €New Estwing orange hammer 940g53.64 €PriceNewEstwing orange hammer 940gHome Estwing orange hammer 53.64 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewEstwing orange hammer 940gHome Estwing orange hammer 53.64 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Estwing Hammer Cover16.45 €New Estwing Hammer Cover16.45 €PriceNewEstwing Hammer CoverHome Estwing Hammer Cover 16.45 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewEstwing Hammer CoverHome Estwing Hammer Cover 16.45 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 10 Diamond130.28 €140.08 €New Mohs Pack - 10 Diamond130.28 €140.08 €Regular price-7% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 10 DiamondHome Save with this pack! 130.28 €140.08 €Regular price-7% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 10 DiamondHome Save with this pack! 130.28 €140.08 €Regular price-7% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Double magnifying glass 10x/20x7.36 €New Double magnifying glass 10x/20x7.36 €PriceNewDouble magnifying glass 10x/20xHome Double little magnifying glass 10x/20x 7.36 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewDouble magnifying glass 10x/20xHome Double little magnifying glass 10x/20x 7.36 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Specialized compass for geology24.71 €New Specialized compass for geology24.71 €PriceNewSpecialized compass for geologyHome Specialized geologist compass of Brunton type 24.71 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewSpecialized compass for geologyHome Specialized geologist compass of Brunton type 24.71 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Brunton TruArc 2074.30 €New Brunton TruArc 2074.30 €PriceNewBrunton TruArc 20Home Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 74.30 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBrunton TruArc 20Home Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 74.30 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Grating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic head4.88 €New Grating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic head4.88 €PriceNewGrating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic headHome Grater with tungsten tip and magnetic head. Ideal for testing Mohs scale with minerals and rocks 4.88 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewGrating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic headHome Grater with tungsten tip and magnetic head. Ideal for testing Mohs scale with minerals and rocks 4.88 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New 10x magnifying glass5.70 €New 10x magnifying glass5.70 €PriceNew10x magnifying glassHome 10x magnifying glass 5.70 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart New10x magnifying glassHome 10x magnifying glass 5.70 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 9 Corundum81.52 €90.58 €New Mohs Pack - 9 Corundum81.52 €90.58 €Regular price-10% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 9 CorundumHome Save with this pack! 81.52 €90.58 €Regular price-10% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 9 CorundumHome Save with this pack! 81.52 €90.58 €Regular price-10% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New 5 Units of Grating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic head13.97 €New 5 Units of Grating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic head13.97 €PriceNew5 Units of Grating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic headHome 5 Units of Grater with tungsten tip and magnetic head. Ideal for testing Mohs scale with minerals and rocks 13.97 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart New5 Units of Grating Mohs pen with tungsten tip and magnetic headHome 5 Units of Grater with tungsten tip and magnetic head. Ideal for testing Mohs scale with minerals and rocks 13.97 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New 30x magnifying glass7.36 €New 30x magnifying glass7.36 €PriceNew30x magnifying glassHome 30x magnifying glass 7.36 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart New30x magnifying glassHome 30x magnifying glass 7.36 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New RUR Pointed Hammer for Geologist 800g18.10 €New RUR Pointed Hammer for Geologist 800g18.10 €PriceNewRUR Pointed Hammer for Geologist 800gHome RUR Pointed Hammer for Geologist 18.10 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewRUR Pointed Hammer for Geologist 800gHome RUR Pointed Hammer for Geologist 18.10 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New 10x Self-adhesive bubble level5.70 €New 10x Self-adhesive bubble level5.70 €PriceNew10x Self-adhesive bubble levelHome 10 circular bubble levels, 10x6mm, self-adhesive. 5.70 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart New10x Self-adhesive bubble levelHome 10 circular bubble levels, 10x6mm, self-adhesive. 5.70 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
NewOn sale! Brunton Axis Transit601.24 €619.83 €NewOn sale! Brunton Axis Transit601.24 €619.83 €Regular price-3% offPriceNewOn sale!Brunton Axis TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 601.24 €619.83 €Regular price-3% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewOn sale!Brunton Axis TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 601.24 €619.83 €Regular price-3% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Geòleg.cat T-shirt11.57 €New Geòleg.cat T-shirt11.57 €PriceNewGeòleg.cat T-shirtHome The field trip T-shirt from Geòleg.cat. 11.57 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewGeòleg.cat T-shirtHome The field trip T-shirt from Geòleg.cat. 11.57 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Estwing Hammer 595g49.50 €New Estwing Hammer 595g49.50 €PriceNewEstwing Hammer 595gHome Estwing Hammer 49.50 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewEstwing Hammer 595gHome Estwing Hammer 49.50 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 8 Topaz71.03 €78.92 €New Mohs Pack - 8 Topaz71.03 €78.92 €Regular price-10% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 8 TopazHome Save with this pack! 71.03 €78.92 €Regular price-10% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 8 TopazHome Save with this pack! 71.03 €78.92 €Regular price-10% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 4 Fluorite61.44 €68.26 €New Mohs Pack - 4 Fluorite61.44 €68.26 €Regular price-10% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 4 FluoriteHome Save with this pack! 61.44 €68.26 €Regular price-10% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 4 FluoriteHome Save with this pack! 61.44 €68.26 €Regular price-10% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 2 Gypsum29.45 €32.73 €New Mohs Pack - 2 Gypsum29.45 €32.73 €Regular price-10% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 2 GypsumHome Save with this pack! 29.45 €32.73 €Regular price-10% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 2 GypsumHome Save with this pack! 29.45 €32.73 €Regular price-10% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Ball & Socket Transit Mount115.62 €New Ball & Socket Transit Mount115.62 €PriceNewBall & Socket Transit MountHome This mount connects any Brunton Transit compass to a tripod or monopod. 115.62 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBall & Socket Transit MountHome This mount connects any Brunton Transit compass to a tripod or monopod. 115.62 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New RUR Flat-headed Hammer for Geologist 900g18.10 €New RUR Flat-headed Hammer for Geologist 900g18.10 €PriceNewRUR Flat-headed Hammer for Geologist 900gHome RUR Flat-headed Hammer for Geologist 18.10 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewRUR Flat-headed Hammer for Geologist 900gHome RUR Flat-headed Hammer for Geologist 18.10 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New 14x magnifying glass8.18 €New 14x magnifying glass8.18 €PriceNew14x magnifying glassHome 14x magnifying glass, compact size 8.18 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart New14x magnifying glassHome 14x magnifying glass, compact size 8.18 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Mohs Pack - 11 Grafene497.40 €534.83 €New Mohs Pack - 11 Grafene497.40 €534.83 €Regular price-7% offPriceNewMohs Pack - 11 GrafeneHome Save with this pack! 497.40 €534.83 €Regular price-7% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewMohs Pack - 11 GrafeneHome Save with this pack! 497.40 €534.83 €Regular price-7% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Portable Wifi Digital Magnifying Glass32.98 €New Portable Wifi Digital Magnifying Glass32.98 €PriceNewPortable Wifi Digital Magnifying GlassHome Portable Wifi Digital Magnifying Glass 32.98 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewPortable Wifi Digital Magnifying GlassHome Portable Wifi Digital Magnifying Glass 32.98 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Brunton Tactical Transit289.26 €New Brunton Tactical Transit289.26 €PriceNewBrunton Tactical TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 289.26 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBrunton Tactical TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 289.26 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Brunton ComPro Composite Transit347.11 €New Brunton ComPro Composite Transit347.11 €PriceNewBrunton ComPro Composite TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 347.11 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBrunton ComPro Composite TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 347.11 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
NewOn sale! Brunton Axis Transit orange601.24 €619.83 €NewOn sale! Brunton Axis Transit orange601.24 €619.83 €Regular price-3% offPriceNewOn sale!Brunton Axis Transit orangeHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 601.24 €619.83 €Regular price-3% offPriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewOn sale!Brunton Axis Transit orangeHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 601.24 €619.83 €Regular price-3% offPriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Brunton Quick-Reference Navigation Card Set24.71 €New Brunton Quick-Reference Navigation Card Set24.71 €PriceNewBrunton Quick-Reference Navigation Card SetHome Map tools, navigation tricks, and outdoor safety tips all in one handy card set! 24.71 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBrunton Quick-Reference Navigation Card SetHome Map tools, navigation tricks, and outdoor safety tips all in one handy card set! 24.71 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Non-Magnetic Tripod144.55 €New Non-Magnetic Tripod144.55 €PriceNewNon-Magnetic TripodHome Add stability and accuracy to your work! 144.55 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewNon-Magnetic TripodHome Add stability and accuracy to your work! 144.55 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Brunton Geo Lite Transit82.56 €New Brunton Geo Lite Transit82.56 €PriceNewBrunton Geo Lite TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 82.56 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewBrunton Geo Lite TransitHome Professional Compass for Geologists, Engineers, and Technicians. 82.56 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
New Estwing 925g hammer53.64 €New Estwing 925g hammer53.64 €PriceNewEstwing 925g hammerHome Estwing hammer 53.64 €PriceQuick ViewAdd To Cart NewEstwing 925g hammerHome Estwing hammer 53.64 €PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart