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    [post_title] => What should a good geologist’s hammer be like?
    [meta_title] => Geologist hammer Estwing
    [meta_description] => Geologist hammer Estwing
    [meta_keyword] => hammer,estwing,geology,geological,geologic
    [post_content] => 

These are the essential features that a good geologist's hammer should have:

A geologist's hammer is an indispensable tool for fieldwork, whether you're a professional, student, collector, or geology enthusiast. Below, I'll present the essential characteristics that a good geologist's hammer should possess:



A geologist's hammer must be extremely robust to withstand continuous impacts against rocks and other hard surfaces. The quality of the material it's made from is crucial to ensure longevity and performance.

It's essential that the hammer is a single piece to maintain this necessary durability.

Ergonomic Design:

Spending hours in the field can be tough on your hands and arms. A good geologist's hammer should have an ergonomic handle that allows for a comfortable and firm grip, reducing fatigue during extended use.

If the handle is designed to absorb shocks, similar to an Estwing geologist's hammer, even better.

Perfect Balance:

A well-balanced hammer makes work easier and minimizes the risk of injuries. The balance between the head and the handle is crucial for precise and effective strikes, improving efficiency in fieldwork.

It also reduces vibrations, thereby decreasing the risk of injuries.


Geologist's hammers should be versatile to allow for different types of tasks, such as breaking rocks, excavating, or conducting resistance tests. Hammers with a double head (one flat face and one pointed) are especially useful in various geological situations.

Hammers with a duck-bill-shaped head are ideal for opening strata and performing leverage actions, reducing the risk of sample breakage.


Currently, brightly colored hammers are being manufactured to prevent losing them in the field. Who hasn't lost a hammer at a rock outcrop?

Estwing Brand Quality:

The Estwing brand is globally recognized for its excellent quality and durability. Estwing geologist's hammers are made from a single piece of steel, making them extremely resistant and long-lasting. Additionally, the handles are coated with a non-slip material that absorbs vibrations, providing additional comfort during use.

Our Estwing hammer is over 25 years old, worn but still just as useful.


In summary, Estwing geologist's hammers are a secure investment for any geology professional. If you're looking for a hammer to accompany you on all your geological adventures, don't hesitate to choose Estwing. Equipped with the best tools, you'll be prepared for any geological challenge! ??

#Geology #GeologistHammer #Estwing #ProfessionalTools #Geologists

See you in our store! ??

[post_excerpt] => Everything a good geologist's hammer must have to be fully functional and durable. [link_rewrite] => what-should-a-good-geologists-hammer-be-like [id_shop] => 1 ) 1
What should a good geologist’s hammer be like?
Everything a good geologist's hammer must have to be fully functional and durable.
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    [post_title] => What should a good compass look like?
    [meta_title] => Comprar productos de geología – Geologia 365, tienda especializada en accesorios, martillos, lupas, brújulas...
    [meta_description] => Comprar productos de geología – Geologia 365, tienda especializada en accesorios, martillos, lupas, brújulas...
    [meta_keyword] => compass,brunton,geology,geological,buy
    [post_content] => 

Essential Elements of a Compass for Geologists

compass is a must-have tool for a geologist's fieldwork. Here are the essentials that a good compass for geologists should have:


1.     Magnetized needle:

o    The magnetized needle is the heart of the compass. It must be sensitive and accurate to point toward magnetic north.

o    Its arrangement must allow it to rotate freely in a horizontal plane, which allows the azimuth to be read.

o    The accuracy and tolerance of the error depend on the type of work to be done, and it should be less than 1º for scientific and professional works.

2.     Clinometer:

o    It is imperative that the compass contains a graduated clinometer in order to take slope measurements.

o    The accuracy of the clinometer depends directly on the quality of the compass. The Brunton brand offers great quality in this regard.

3.     Box & Scoreboard:

o    The box that houses the needle must be robust and withstand adverse field conditions, such as rain, temperature changes, pressure, and insolation, among others.

o    The marker (graduation) around the needle indicates the degrees or cardinal directions. In specialized compasses such as the Brunton, the graduated circle is inverted to take direct measurements.

4.     Integrated Level:

o    A compass with a small built-in level helps ensure that it is level when taking azimuth measurements.

o    In certain models such as Brunton's, a level is also needed to take slope measurements.

5.     Declination Adjustment:

o    The compass should allow adjustment of the declination angle based on location on Earth. This compensates for the difference between geographic north and magnetic north. For example, in Barcelona, the declination is 2.5º east, and the compass must be adjusted according to this information.

6.     Magnifying glass:

o    A built-in magnifier makes it easy to accurately read the marker.

7.     Measurement Scales:

o    The compass should have measurement scales for angles (azimuth) and other functions such as triangulation and measuring structural alignments. Some models incorporate scales to allow measurement on maps.

8.     Pinule and Sights:

o    The accuracy of the compass depends on whether it allows you to aim at various distances. This action is performed with moving parts of the compass itself.

9.     Magnetic Interference Resistance:

o    The compass must be robust against local magnetic disturbances, such as the presence of ferromagnetic minerals.

10. Durability and Portability:

o    A compass for geologists should be easy to carry during field explorations and have a long service life.

11. Directions for Use:

o    A clear and concise usage guide is essential for geologists to get the most out of their compass.



In short, a compass for geologists must be accurate, robust, and reliable. With a tool like this, you'll be able to navigate the terrain, measure orientations, and conduct structural studies in a professional manner.


[post_excerpt] => Everything a good compass should have to be fully functional for a good geologist. [link_rewrite] => what-should-a-good-compass-look-like [id_shop] => 1 ) 1
What should a good compass look like?
Everything a good compass should have to be fully functional for a good geologist.